The Doox is a Ukrainian band that combines ancient Ukrainian folklore with modern electronic and rock-style tunes. Their repertoire includes songs from ethnological field trips and traditional music from various regions. The band's music features a fusion of male and female voices in the traditional manner of singing. Led by renowned multi-instrumentalist and piper Maksím Bereżniuk, the band has participated in popular festivals and their song 'Polübyla' was featured in the movie 'Zarady Myru' (For Peace).
# World music
the doox is a Ukrainian band that combines ancient Ukrainian folklore with modern electronic and rock-style tunes. They play a variety of wind instruments from Ukraine and abroad and their music features a fusion of male and female voices. The band was formed in 2014 and has participated in popular festivals. Their song 'Polübyla' became a soundtrack for...
the doox is a Ukrainian band that combines ancient Ukrainian folklore with modern electronic and rock-style tunes. They play a variety of wind instruments from Ukraine and abroad and their music features a fusion of male and female voices. The band was formed in 2014 and has participated in popular Ukrainian and Polish festivals.